Directive 1999/13/EC)
歐盟溶劑排放指令EU Solvent Emissions Directive (Council Directive 1999/13/EC)
在歐洲,民眾對提高空氣質量非常關注,對減少硫與氮的氧化物、氨和揮發性有機化合物(VOC)的排入尤為關心,降低VOC的排放對涂料工業來說非常重要。1999年3月11日歐洲委員會頒布了1999年第13號委員會命令(Council Directive 1999/13/EC),即所謂的溶劑釋放標準。隨著溶劑排放令(The Solvents Emission Directive)的實施,VOC排放會顯著減少。歐洲CEPE(歐洲涂料,印刷油墨、顏料工業協會)下發了關于裝飾性涂料中揮發性有機化合物指導書。
Council Directive 1999/13/EC of 11 March 1999 on the limitation of emissions of volatile organic compounds due to the use of organic solvents in certain activities and installations
1999年3月11日歐洲委員會頒布了1999年第13號委員會命令(Council Directive 1999/13/EC),即所謂的溶劑釋放標準。隨著溶劑排放令(The Solvents Emission Directive)的實施,VOC排放會顯著減少。
歐盟指令關于清漆和色漆VOC含量限量的要求:Official Journal of the European Union, Directive 2004/42/EC of the European parliament and of the council of 21 April 2004。
EPA Method 24揮發性有機物的測定標準適用范圍
EPA Method 24-This method is applicable foe the Determination of Volatile Matter content, Water content, Density, Volume solids, and weight solids of paint, varnish, lacquer, or other related surface coatings.
EPA Method 24測試參考標準
ASTM D1475 Standard Test method for density of paint, varnish, lacquer and related products.
ASTM D2369 Standard Test Method for volatile content of coatings.
ASTM D3792 Standard Test method for Water content of water reducible paints by direct injection into a gas chromatograph.
ASTM E4017 Standard Test Method for Water in paints and paint materials by the Karl Fischer Titration Method.
ASTM E4457 Standard test Method for Determination of Dichloromethane and 1,1,1-Trichloroethane in paints and coatings by direct Injection into a gas chromatograph.
ASTM D5403 Standard test methods for Volatile Content of Radiation Curable Materials.
油漆涂料對環境產生多方面的影響,包括生產中溶劑中釋放、涂料施工中溶劑以及有毒物質釋放、在涂層的使用期限、脫漆過程和處理過程中溶劑的釋放等,對環境造成了不同程度的污染。CE認證機構專業提供EPA Method 24及歐盟指令Council Directive 1999/13/EC有機化合物測試。
Q/CRRC J26-2018進行有害物質限量測試
Q/CNR J 00011-2014 軌道交通裝備產品禁用及限用物質
SJTY-ZT-002 TVOC揮發物的測試
SJTY-ZT-003 禁限用物質